Wait were comms open?!?
Wait were comms open?!?
They were, but I forgot to announce it here on Newgrounds. I'll probably be opening them again soon though, so if you're currently interested in a commission, feel free to message me. You can view my rates on my Twitter or Instagram.
Are comms still open?
yes they are, I'll keep accepting until I got work for two weeks or so.
*Why’d you redesign Updike? Genuine question
Can’t send a message back. But that makes sense
he looked too out of place in his group, so i tried to make him fit in
How did you even make this?!?
The characters and background are 3d models made on Blender! I animated and exported the frames into a PSD file and added the UI and some paintover on top.
The purple area in the background is made by exporting the exact same animation with different textures applied and erasing part of it 'v'
In short it's a 3D animation with drawn assets =v=c
Are you just drawing in class with a iPad bruh?
yeah kinda, not that much happens in classes over here
Pen and paper or digital? I can’t tell
it's pencil n paper
Your a god damn giant.
im actually like 5'7 but thank you
Did you make the sketch and then pixelate it? (I was there for the ig stream)
i just took the stream sketch, shrunk it down then lined it with a pixel brush
This is very different from what you normally draw and I like this
Haha yeah I spice it up sometimes
Do you have comm sheet I’m very interested
Yes, I do. I'll send it to you.
Gonna go lay down for bit
B.B.C Main Office
Joined on 4/21/21